5 Solutions for Common Operational Marketing Challenges Facing Mid-Market Companies
- December 4, 2014
- Category: Marketing and Distribution
In my last post, I talked about some of the common high-level marketing challenges that many mid-market CEOs experience, and provided some recommendations on how to address them in 2015. In this post, I’ll address many of the common operational marketing challenges I see, and discuss how I’ve resolved them in my own companies and
Tackling the 5 Major Strategic Marketing Challenges Facing Mid-Market Companies
- November 19, 2014
- Category: Marketing and Distribution
In my last post, I talked about a “solution” to the frustration that many mid-market CEOs and leadership teams feel when it comes to the marketing function. Today, I’d like to take the next step and provide some actionable items that many of you can begin tackling right now and in 2015. I’ll start with
The Tortoise Wins the Marketing Marathon
- November 5, 2014
- Category: Marketing and Distribution
To most mid-market CEOs, the term “marketing” is one that causes frustration at some level. And there’s a good reason why: The marketing function is the least understood business function for most mid-market companies, and it has changed more than any other function over the last 20 years. When you take something that’s already confusing
If You’re Doing This, You’re Hurting Your Ability to Lead
- October 21, 2014
- Category: Leadership and People
I don’t know why it took me so long to realize that one of the greatest qualities of a leader is the ability to learn and use the art of delegation. Like so many who find themselves in charge of something, I bought into the old proverb, “if you want something done right then do
The Art of Communicating from the Inside Out
- October 2, 2014
- Category: Marketing and Distribution
Last month I talked about how to inspire action by communicating from the inside out. This certainly struck a chord; it was great to hear from so many of you. Once you realize that communicating from inside out is more likely to inspire people and change behaviors, the next step is determine exactly what you
The Most Dangerous Person in Your Company
- September 24, 2014
- Category: Leadership and People
Many of us give careful consideration to the external threats to our company. Competition, economic conditions, global uncertainty, supply chain, cash flow and access to capital are all things that can harm our business. Some of us give careful consideration to the dangers lurking within our company – our people. However, our focus is typically
Inspire Action by Communicating from the Inside Out
- August 21, 2014
- Category: Marketing and Distribution
Many of you have heard me talk about the importance of having a clear purpose – for yourself and for your company. People want to be inspired. Your employees want to be inspired. If your company can’t inspire them, they create their own sense of purpose and end up leaving you when they find a
The 5 CEO Personas and Why They Matter
- August 5, 2014
- Category: Leadership and People
I’ve been fortunate to be able to work with many great CEOs of mid-market companies over my career – outstanding men and women who will leave a lasting impact on the business community. Some of them are innovators who created a new category of products or services. Some of them are professional managers who took
18 Things That Prevent Companies from Growing Past $25 Million in Revenue
- July 29, 2014
- Category: Leadership and People
Earlier this year I talked about the issues that companies face when approaching the $10 million in revenue mark. If you’ve made it past $10 million, congratulations! Roughly 96% of all U.S. companies never achieve your level of success. You’ve not only survived, you’ve thrived, and have carved out a space in the market. Now -
Better, Faster AND Cheaper?
- July 8, 2014
- Category: Marketing and Distribution
If your product or service was better, faster and cheaper than your competition, would that be a good thing? From a marketing standpoint, the answer is no. Most mid-market company executives have enough understanding of strategic marketing to avoid this mistake at the planning phase, but I see it happening often – more than you’d
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