Financial Performance Benchmarking
Return on operations, or ROO, is a private-company derivation of ROCE (Return on Capital Employed). ROO percentage is an interest rate – the interest rate that the business returns to the owner for the capital that the owner has employed in the business.
After completing our Fiscal Focus Analysis, we evaluate your ROO% compared to your risk profile and compare key metrics to over 1,000 other businesses in our database.
Return on Operations percentage, or ROO percentage, is the single most powerful number to measure business success.
The Ultimate Performance Comparison
- ROO% Profile One
- ROO% Profile Two
- ROO% Profile Three
Return on operations percentages are not determined by industry type or business size. Acceptable ROO% is determined by the risk profile that the business faces.
Other Key Operational Performance Metrics
In addition to discussing your ROO%, we can interpret and benchmark other key metrics against other companies in our database that may include:
- Operational cash flow
- Operational profit %
- Leverage rating
- Salary multiple
- Raw materials multiple
- Operational investment