General Motors – A Culture of Dysfunction
- June 25, 2014
- Category: Leadership and People
Recently, the Wall Street Journal discussed the scathing portrait of the General Motors Co. corporate culture, painted in the 315-page report on the company’s mishandling of deadly defects in ignition switches in up to 2.6 million cars. You can read the full report by Anton R. Valukas here. Before we dive into the report, let’s
The Best Thing I Ever Did to Grow My Sales
- June 11, 2014
- Category: Performance and Financial Modeling
If I asked you to predict the amount of revenue your company will generate next month, how accurate would your answer be? Would you be able to predict it within 5%? If I asked you to predict your revenue for the next quarter, could you predict it within 20%? Forecasting revenue accurately is vital to
If You Do One Thing Before Making a Job Offer It Will Change the Entire Outcome
- May 22, 2014
- Category: Leadership and People
Hiring is an interesting topic of discussion amongst executives. Most think they’re really good at it, but not everyone has the metrics to back up their claim. For the majority of mid-market companies, poor hiring creates the single greatest expense to the P&L. A single hiring mistake can cost as much as 5 times the
How to Turn Inspiration Into High Performance
- April 16, 2014
- Category: Leadership and People
In my previous post, I talked about how to inspire your team by asking 6 questions. Having your people see your exciting view of the future and how it involves them is an important driver of their performance. Today I want to talk about how a person’s energy level affects their performance. Did you know
An Idea Every Mid-Market CEO Should Consider
- April 2, 2014
- Category: Leadership and People
Which of these employees is better trained to perform his or her job in a small to mid-market company? A. CEO B. CPA Does it surprise you that a CPA is almost always better trained than a CEO? In fact, a CPA receives 4 to 6 years of formal education, has passed a difficult certification
Inspire Your Team by Asking These 6 Questions
- March 18, 2014
- Category: Leadership and People
A critical element for developing strong, consistent and high performing cultures in any organization is for the leaders to talk about the exciting vision they see for the future of the company, and how they see each person in the organization being a part of it. Of all of the animals on the planet, human
How to Get Your People to Fall in Love With Your Company
- March 6, 2014
- Category: Leadership and People
What’s more important in your business, profit or your people? One of the biggest problems in small to midsize businesses today is that the story we tell and the way we act are not connected. We tell the world what’s important to us – people, products, services, customers and quality – but then base every
Will Your Product or Service Be Viable in 5 Years?
- February 25, 2014
- Category: Marketing and Distribution
You will probably answer Yes since you’ve built a company from scratch or are running a company that someone else started. But your offering is much more than just the products or service that you sell. Apple doesn’t sell computers, phones and MP3 players. Apple sells an experience. Do people go to Starbucks because they
Validating Your People
- February 7, 2014
- Category: Leadership and People
Have you ever asked yourself If I could just get my people aligned to my strategy, then everything will fall into place? It’s a common challenge for CEOs of companies under $100 million in revenue. People can be the greatest asset of a small to midsize company. Or, they can be its greatest liability. If
Branding for the Future
- February 2, 2014
- Category: Marketing and Distribution
In my talk at the January 2014 LPBC, I focused on the concept of change, and how that impacts our businesses. It’s been said that the ones who survive are those who are the most adaptable to change. And when you think about it, our world is constantly changing … even faster than we think. Only 100
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